More Information
If you would like more information about sibling contact, there’s a number of organisations and people who can help you…
Advocacy is available for all children and young people who are involved with the Children’s Hearings System in Scotland. To find out more about this offer and find a local service to you, click here.
Advocacy is an equal partnership between young people and their advocacy worker. The worker develops a trusting relationship with the young person, and helps them to have their say and understand what they want to say. Advocacy can help a young person speak to important decision-makers, such as their social worker or children’s panel member. Advocacy is a way of helping children and young people understand their rights.
Who Cares? Scotland also provides a wider independent advocacy service in most local authority areas in Scotland for Care Experienced children and young people. So if you are a child or young person who is not involved with the Children’s Hearings System, but would still like access to independent advocacy, visit the Who Cares? Scotland website for more information .
Scottish Child Law Centre
The Scottish Child Law Centre provides free legal advice to children and young people. Visit their website – for more information. You can also fill in this online enquiry form to get legal advice.
Children’s Rights OfficerS
Every council (local authority) in Scotland has a Children’s Rights Officer (sometimes called a Children’s Rights and Information Officer). They can give children and young people information and advice and help children and young people to represent their views and have their say at meetings (including Children’s Hearings). Contact your council to find out more about your Children’s Rights Officer.
Clan Childlaw
Provides a legal and advocacy service for children and young people. They are lawyers who deliver free, confidential legal advice and representation to children and young people up to the age of 18, and, if they are care leavers, up to 26. They represent children and young people in Children’s Hearings and civil courts, and have lots of experience representing siblings.
They also provide free information and guidance about children’s rights and the law to family members, carers and adults who work with children or young people in Scotland.
Visit their website to find out more.
Scottish Legal Aid Board
Legal aid helps people who cannot afford to pay for someone to help them with their legal problems. More information is available on the Scottish Legal Aid Board website or you can call 0131 226 7061. They also have a leaflet written just for young people to help you understand what help they can give you. Please click on the link to read this leaflet
Need more help?
Remember, if you have any questions or concerns about sibling contact then please ask someone for help. Any of these organisations or people can help you. There’s lots of other websites out there with information including Young Scot and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner. If you are going to a Children’s Hearing you can visit the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration website.

© 2025 Stand up for Siblings
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