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Displaying 1 - 133 of 133

❤ To get my two kids back together xxxxxx


October 10, 2019

❤ I want siblings knowing they have choices and to be heard .
Sisters should never be separated. EVER



May 21, 2019

❤ I pledge to ensure that our work continues to highlight the importance of maintaining sibling contact and being as creative as possible to facilitate meaningful contact for all siblings.

Denise Bain


May 2, 2019

❤ Make sure we discuss brothers and sisters relationships in our consultations.

Katie Hardie

Edinburgh Connect

April 5, 2019

❤ I pledge to bring more awareness to clients, Panel and Sheriffs about the importance of sibling contact.

Louise Gillies


March 28, 2019

❤ I pledge to contemplate more in-depth how important sibling contact is relevant to every individual child who is experiencing separation.

Patricia McLaughlin


March 28, 2019

❤ I pledge to consider sibling contact at hearings and ask more questions regarding siblings.

Alex MacDonald

Children's Panel

March 28, 2019

❤ I pledge to raise awareness of the importance of sibling contact and stand up for siblings across Argyll and Bute.

Katrina Sayer

All Our Children Third Sector Partnership (Argyll and Bute)

March 28, 2019

❤ I pledge to promote sibling contact in preparation to foster training and sibling placements.

Kerry Higgins


March 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to have more sibling focussed supervision.

Karen Love and Dawn Ross

West Lothian Council

March 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to raise awareness (of Teachers) within schools and address stigma experienced by children in care, including highlighting the importance of sibling contact and relationships.

Sarah McEnhill

The Fostering Network

March 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to promote sibling contact in Aberdeen and surrounding areas.

Stephanie Miller


March 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to ask more questions about family bonds, who is important to the child and young person. Support contact with Brother and Sisters.

Wilma Kennedy

West Dumbarton Council

March 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to keep my siblings together, stand up for each other, keep my siblings safe, encourage and build each other up.

Sibling power


March 25, 2019

❤ I pledge to make my assessments robust and exploring sibling relationship contacts.

Valenta Tavengwa

West Dunbartonshire Council

March 25, 2019

❤ I pledge to in my role as Reporter at hearings is to ask Panel Members to consider sibling contact in the event that they don't bring it up on their own volition.

Catriona MacKellar


March 25, 2019

❤ I pledge to continue to promote good practice and development of sibling contact. Make myself available to attend and promote learning amongst colleagues through future forums.

Dan Dufy

North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership

March 25, 2019

❤ I pledge to all was ensure i ask about sibling contact at children's hearing in the best interests of children and young people.


Glasgow Panel Member

March 17, 2019

❤ I pledge to continue to promote contact and be creative with this, as well as continuously reviewing, assessing, and making changes to best meet the children's needs!

Paula McFarlane

East Ayrshire Council

March 14, 2019

❤ I pledge to
- Take back all issues highlighted [at the conference] today to colleagues in Aberdeen
- Change the way I chair LAC reviews to reflect the need for sibling contact to be more privileged than currently
- Put forward idea of sibling champion with our service

Donna Ronald

Aberdeen City Council

March 14, 2019

❤ I pledge to commit to ensuring that separated children, who are part of a sibling group, have regular ongoing contact to maintain relationship.

Winnie Lwanda

East Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership

March 14, 2019

❤ I pledge to promote sibling contact and take learning from today in to EAC sibling contact day (siblings together).

Rebecca Owan

East Ayrshire Council

March 14, 2019

❤ I pledge to promote sibling contact between siblings in East Ayrshire that are in kinship/foster placements.

Hayley Scanlon

East Ayrshire Council

March 14, 2019

❤ I pledge to keep the conversation going.
Be an agent of change.
Share the word.

Moyra Maclean

Barnardo's Scotland

March 14, 2019

❤ I pledge to get child's views of contact with siblings and enable when possible and appropriate.

Lesley Callaghan

Children's Panel Glasgow

March 13, 2019

❤ I pledge to remember siblings at panels

Angus McKee

Panel Member

March 13, 2019

❤ I pledge to consider and address sibling contact in Children Hearings where this is appropriate.

Bill Evans

Panel Member

March 13, 2019

❤ I pledge to support STAR by volunteering with the sibling groups.

V Cuthbert


March 8, 2019

❤ I pledge to support siblings in all areas and support organisations who are in involved in this worthwhile endeavour

Donald Cuthbert


March 8, 2019

❤ I pledge to support Stand Up For Siblings and promote its findings and resources to the Children's Hearings Scotland community.

Lara Wauchope

Children's Hearings Scotland

March 7, 2019

❤ I pledge to educate adopters that children are not tabula rasa and that their family relationships should be promoted and maintained, rather than children either being silenced or left to pick up the pieces of estranged sibling relationships on their own.

Laura Broan

Adoption UK

February 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to look for opportunities in personal capacity, practice, research and delivery of training to promote sibling relationships. ACTION - working with strong sibling relationships rather than separation requires all to LISTEN to children.

Moyra Hawthorn


February 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to promote opportunities for sibling relationships to be maintained with children who have been adopted.

Kathy Currie

West Dunbartonshire HSCP

February 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to use my own personal experience to train the relevant people (the people that make these decisions) so that it hopefully doesn't happen to others.


Who Cares? Scotland

February 27, 2019

❤ I pledge to commit to this important issue in my practice and nurture sibling relationships wherever possible.

Lena Dunn

February 20, 2019

❤ I pledge to promote the importance of sibling relationships and contact among my students and colleagues.

Michelle Donnelly

University of Stirling

February 20, 2019

❤ I pledge to consider the best interests of the 'Children' not 'Child' when working with families.

Kathryn Smith

Social Work

February 20, 2019

❤ I pledge to ensure taking siblings seriously is an overarching principle on all decision making for Looked after Children.

Sharon Laing

East Ayrshire Health & SCP

February 20, 2019

❤ I pledge to ensure young care experienced young people have a voice!

Tina Hodge

Who Cares? Scotland

February 20, 2019

❤ I pledge to include siblings in the family law curriculum!

Daniel Monk

School of Law

February 20, 2019

❤ I pledge to raise awareness of this important issue. Internally within our organisation and externally.

Mary Morris

Care Inspectorate

February 20, 2019

❤ I pledge to continue championing sibling relationships throughout my work.

Thomas Carlton

Independent Care Review

February 20, 2019

❤ I pledge to continue to share insights about the impact our policy and practice of our cultural views that you can only have one mother and one father and how those views affect relationships between siblings separated in various ways.

Jennifer Speirs

University of Edinburgh

February 5, 2019

❤ I pledge to raise awareness of the issues surrounding siblings.

Melissa Young

Care Inspectorate

February 5, 2019

❤ I pledge to ask about siblings in legal enquires I receive from our members.

Rhona Pollock

AFA Scotland

February 5, 2019

❤ I pledge to be mindful of the importance of sibling relationships in the training I deliver.

Jane Steele

February 5, 2019

❤ To where possible continue my work as Lead facilitator with S.T.A.R and providing training and support for S.T.A.R, their volunteers and other relevant organisations and my employment with Barnardo’s intensive support working with children and families affected by parental substance misuse.

Nova Pinfold

East of the Sun West of the Moon

January 26, 2019

❤ Support children in vulnerable, dangerous and difficult situations. Children should be entitled to stay with their brother and sisters, especially during traumatic situations.

Zara Mohamed

December 19, 2018

❤ Listen wholeheartedly to the courageous voices of care experienced people about their experiences of sibling relationships and contact. I will promote the rights and needs of all siblings and apply all principles to my studies. I am truly honoured to be able to make this Pledge. Let's aim to do the best we can for siblings

Maria McGinley

University of Strathclyde (MSW Student)

October 12, 2018

❤ listen to children and young people at every opportunity, and to represent their views and wishes as best I can. I also pledge to raise sibling contact when talking to panel members, social workers, reporters and others involved in making decisions about children's lives.

Robert Porter


October 2, 2018

❤ We pledge to encourage and maintain sibling contact where it is safe to do so. We pledge to keep sibling memories and experiences (photos/letters) to help with family life stories. We pledge to listen to and understand children’s sibling(s) loss.

Stuart Bendom and Kenny Gunn-Black

September 13, 2018

❤ Let’s not judge siblings, we often want to protect children by making judgements. Don’t judge but allow contact and support.

David Chisholm, David & Stacey More, Sharon Veelenturf, Janet O’Donnell, Linda Preston, Lino Prado (all Barnardo’s foster carers)

September 13, 2018

❤ Our pledge as foster carers is to support our children’s individual needs and views as they grow, and to facilitate safe and appropriate contact with their sibling

Barnardo’s Edinburgh foster service

September 13, 2018

❤ We see if we can do the life story work for the kids in our service rather than waiting.

North Barnardo’s foster carer

September 13, 2018

❤ To commit everyday efforts to promote the needs of children & young people in relation to their birth family life, loves and outcomes.

Aberdeen & Fife Barnardo’s foster carers

September 13, 2018

❤ As an Adoption Task Force, and in all our permanence work across the sector, we pledge to keep a child’s rights to family life at the centre and to give particular attention to practicing and promoting the right to maintain safe relationships with brothers and sisters.

The Adoption Task Force

(Multiagency public and voluntary sector membership)

September 11, 2018

❤ Do our very best to ensure that brothers and sisters who live with different foster carers have a voice and are supported to maintain positive relationships with their siblings.

Harvey Gallagher

Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers

July 19, 2018

❤l pledge to do all that I can to recruit foster carers and adopters who are able to look after brothers and sisters together and to ensure Barnardo's staff, carers and adoptive parents understand the vital importance of sibling relationships

Sue Brunton

Barnardo's Scotland Family Placement

May 23, 2018

❤ I pledge to support the Panel Members in Glasgow , encouraging them to listen to the voices of Scotland's children and their efforts to protect the rights of siblings at Hearings.

Valerie Kennedy

Glasgow AST Childrens Hearings Scotland

April 25, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure siblings in care have their rights upheld and that they have the opportunity to build long lasting positive relationships with each other.

Councillor Robert Foster

North Ayrshire Council

April 18, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure that the importance of the bond between siblings is always considered as a priority.

Nicola Stephenson

Trainee Panel Member

April 13, 2018

❤ I pledge to stand up for siblings by ensuring that I always put the children at the centre of every decision I make. I will also ensure I listen and do all I can to make their voices heard!

Leona Solley

Scottish Government/Panel Member

April 13, 2018

❤ I pledge to do as much as I can to support siblings to maintain contact where it is safe to do so. I will advocate for any child/young person to support their voice and wishes to be fully heard.

Lyn Rutherford


April 11, 2018

❤ I pledge to Stand up for siblings..... listen to children and young people and put their views at the centre of our decision making

Barbara ogston

Childrens panel member

April 10, 2018

❤ I pledge to amplify the voice of care experienced people, defend the human rights of care experienced people and influence policy, legislation and decision makers to effect transformational structural change in the care system so that brothers and sisters are only ever separated when that's what's in their best interests.

David Faith

Who Cares? Scotland

April 10, 2018

❤ I pledge to support staff and carers to offer as many sibling placements as possible. Where we can’t offer a placement where siblings can stay together, we commit to promoting and supporting contact between siblings.

Michael Stewart

Fosterplus Scotland

April 10, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure that importance of the bond between siblings is always considered a priority.

Ronnie Corse

Children's Hearings Scotland

April 10, 2018

❤ I pledge to always consider relationships with siblings and supporting children in having their voice heard in hearings about contact with brothers and sisters. Where possible I will seek to encourage those involved in a child’s care to overcome barriers to help facilitate healthy sibling relationships.

Sharon Johnston

Trainee children’s panel memeber

April 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to take account of children and young peoples needs to maintain sibling contact when making decisions on their best needs.

Derek Manson-Smith

Children’s Hearings Scotland

April 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to help professionals working with children and their families to better understand how to use the law and good practice to facilitate appropriate sibling contact.

Laura Porter

Clan Childlaw

April 6, 2018

❤ I pledge to help children & young people understand their rights to sibling contact at every hearing I attend.

Linda Horsfall

Panel Member Glasgow

April 6, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure that all children and young people within the Children's Hearings System are heard.

Lynne Harrison

Children's Hearings Scotland

April 5, 2018

❤ I pledge to consider siblings in all the work that Edinburgh Connect does with Looked After and Accommodated Children.

Katie Hardie

Edinburgh Connect

April 4, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure that I do all I can to keep siblings together. Where this is not possible I pledge to consider sibling contact in all my decisions. The pain of being removed into care is traumatic enough. We should not make it worse by isolating children when they feel most vulnerable.

Alan Sorrell

Panel Member, West Dunbartonshire Children's Panel

April 3, 2018

❤ I pledge to always ensure that the children that attend children hearings are heard and supported to have safe ongoing sibling relationships.

Michael McNamara

Panel Member Children's Hearings Scotland

April 3, 2018

❤️ I pledge to continue to support care experienced young people and promote the value and importance of sibling relationships ?

Jen MacKenzie

Borders College

April 3, 2018

❤ We pledge that we will work hard to support siblings to stay together wherever possible. If this is not possible then we will encourage carers and staff to have sibling relationships as their key focus.
We will always aim to create a culture where sibling relationships are encouraged in a meaningful, long term and ongoing way.

Dundee Team Swiis Foster Care

March 29, 2018

❤ I pledge to Stand Up for Siblings because a sibling is the first best friend a person will ever have. In the absence of stability and in the presence of chaos, you need your best friend by your side. <3

Hayley Mathieson

Children's Hearings Scotland

March 29, 2018

❤ I pledge to do whatever I can in Hearings to promote positive sibling contact. In this respect Siblings Reunited (STAR) is an organisation that can assist.

Ronald James

Panel Member Children's Hearings

March 29, 2018

❤ I pledge to support the Children's Hearings Scotland community to protect the rights and promote the wellbeing of siblings.

Elliot Jackson

Children's Hearings Scotland

March 28, 2018

❤ I pledge to support Stand Up For Siblings so that we can better respond to the needs of brothers and sisters involved in the Children’s Hearings System.

Boyd McAdam

Children's Hearings Scotland

March 28, 2018

❤ I pledge to do whatever I can to advocate collectively for care experienced young people and highlight the importance of positive sibling relationships!

Laura Bailey

Who Cares? Scotland

March 27, 2018

❤ I pledge to as a student social worker, I will endeavour to remember the importance of sibling relationships in my current and future practice.

Vicky McMillan

Social Work Student at The University of Edinburgh

March 26, 2018

❤ I pledge to always ensure that the children in my care are heard and supported to have safe ongoing sibling relationships.

Fiona Dunbar

Foster Carer

March 23, 2018

❤ I pledge to educate, campaign and be the voice of care experienced young people and the importance of their sibling relationships and keeping them together.

Yvonne Atkins

Who cares? Scotland

March 21, 2018

❤ I pledge to raise awareness of policy and legislative changes which if introduced would help ensure that the sibling relationships of looked after children are properly supported and promoted.

Janet Cormack

Clan Childlaw

March 21, 2018

❤ I pledge to keep on helping make Care experience people's lives #Change for the better and I am Care experienced

I pledge to LISTEN
I pledge to LOVE
I pledge to RESPECT
All Care Experianced People 🙂

Siblings should be kept together

Bonds between siblings get lost in a big world that no one can find .

Alice Ferguson

March 17, 2018

❤ I pledge to do everything I can to make this a better place for siblings.

Jim Edgar

SCRA Board Member

March 16, 2018

❤ I pledge to organise a team development day to allow the team to consider the impact of siblings being placed together, separately and their contact arrangements.

Sheila Clingan

Dumfries and Galloway Fostering Services

March 16, 2018

❤ I pledge to help children & young people understand their rights to sibling contact, and to be able to ask for it at Children's Hearings. To try and influence decision makers & Social Workers to ensure that sibling separation only takes place where absolutely necessary, and if so, that regular & meaningful contact takes place without fail.

Jennifer Orren


March 14, 2018

❤ Stand up for siblings and ensure where possible siblings are kept together


March 14, 2018

❤ I pledge to actively support and promote the value of sibling relationships and how important that is to the children in our care. Brothers and sisters are a lifelong support to each other.

Cllr Julie Dettbarn

South Ayrshire Council

March 14, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure this website continues to be a place for young people to get helpful information about sibling contact and for professionals to share best practice and resources.

Maryanne McIntyre


March 14, 2018

❤ Campaign for change so that there isn’t a small amount of siblings staying together but near to almost all. We have to keep siblings together so that lasting relationships are key to allowing Care Experience to be a positive experience not just for a few but for all. I pledge to stand for all siblings within the currently damaged system in Scotland

Ryan Mcshane

Who Cares? Scotland

March 14, 2018

❤ I pledge to do all that I can to support positive sibling contact in an effort to help children maintain close relationships, especially where they have voiced that this is important to them.

Katie Brownlee


March 13, 2018

❤ Make sure that sibling contact is part of the agenda of all meetings I attend and keep focusing workers on the importance of this crucial part of children's lives. Consistently raise awareness of the mistakes from the past and help change the future.

Pauline Shaw

East Dunbartonshire Council

March 13, 2018

❤ To hold a steady spotlight on the rights of brothers and sisters to have regular healthy contact with their siblings whenever it’s possible.

More than that, I will actively promote systems change, in order to offer family support earlier, so sisters and brothers aren’t separated in the first place.

Jennifer Davidson

Executive Director, The Institute for inspired children’s futures

March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to hold those to account that are to be implemented, Don’t just discuss it, do something about it and make a change.

Amy Davidson

Young Champion, The Fostering Network

March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to link Who cares? with Foster carers and adopters both in preparation and post approval.

Kate Richardson

Edinburgh City Council

March 12, 2018

❤ The Independent Care Review pledges to work with Stand up for Siblings, understand better the complexities to make life better for brothers and sisters across Scotland.

Fiona Duncan

Chair of the Independent Care Review

March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure that Children’s Reporters give equivalency to the advice they give on contact direction.

Neil Hunter


March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to keep this conversation going – and be as adventurous as possible when it comes to supporting sibling relationships.

Thomas – that story tho ?

Louise Houston

South Ayrshire Council

March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to stand with and for siblings. Because we deserve stable, loving relationships with our brothers and sisters in whatever form that takes.

Beth Logan

Children's Hearings Scotland

March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to take what I have heard today and present to my fellow colleagues in Family Placement and to hold on to it in my practice and aim to begin changing others practice to change.

A Wilkie

South Lanarkshire Council

March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to engage with a wide variety of children and young people, families and stakeholders helping to build clear and ambitious messages for change on this crucial issue.

Paul Sullivan


March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to keep the values and energy from today alive in all discussions I have RE siblings whenever the topic comes up – legislation, action, policy etc.

Rod Finan

Office of the Chief Social Work Advisor

March 12, 2018

❤ I pledge to keep supporting siblings to keep in touch.



March 10, 2018

❤ I pledge to do research to provide the evidence to effect real change for children and young people in care

Dr Gillian Henderson

Scottish Children's Reporter Administration

March 10, 2018

❤ I pledge to always promote sibling relationships and encourage other social workers to have a different and forward thinking view of identity and a sense of belonging ?


South Ayrshire council

March 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to raise awareness of the importance of positive sibling contact for care experience children and young people. To allow children & young people’s voices to be listened to & heard by adults.

Elaine Dalgity

March 9, 2018

❤ I will always stand up for brothers & sisters to have the right to have their views on contact & permanence planning about each other heard each step of the way if they become looked after as this is their right & I will help them fight to protect it & I will ensure the social workers I manage do the same

Janine Fraser

Glasgow Social Work

March 9, 2018

❤ Advocate on behalf of any young person or sibling group that I work with in Swiss Foster Care. To promote & fight for at any given opportunity for their right to have the best contact and relationship with each other. To make sure in their absence at any meeting that this relationship is seen as paramount to their future adult lives.

Sandy McLeod

Swiss foster care Scotland

March 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to continue to advocate for my foster son to have the regular contact with his twin that he desperately wants and needs.


Foster Carer

March 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to Stand up for siblings through our work with families across Scotland, offering advice and resources around sibling adoption.

Adoption UK Scotland

March 9, 2018

❤ I plege to do all I can to raise awareness of how crucial the issue of positive sibling contact is for young people who are care experienced and must be considered as part of our wish to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up for ALL children and young people.

Louise Macdonald

Young Scot

March 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to Stand up for siblings and to do whatever I can in my power to help children and young peoples lives to be abit easier. I will also always do my best to ensure that children and young people are treated with a life time of equality, respect and love.

Morgan deveney

Who cares? Scotland

March 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to make sure sibling contact is part of the discussion wherever I am able to

Collette Gallagher


March 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to support children and young people to be heard within the care system, to have their rights respected and to play an active part in creating positive change.

Jacqui Dunbar

Our Hearings, Our Voice

March 9, 2018

❤ We pledge to continue promoting the value of positive sibling relationships throughout our work with families

Home-Start Glasgow North

March 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to continue the valuable relationship and contact our children have with their sibling and to sharing the message of how important these relationships are through speaking opportunities with prospective adopters.

Alan Webb


March 9, 2018

❤ I pledge to encourage organisations and individuals that we work with to consider how they can support sibling relationships to flourish and to actively listen to what children and young people are saying at every opportunity,

Heather Coady

Life Changes Trust

March 9, 2018

❤ We pledge to ensure that the importance of sibling relationships is considered in all the training, postgraduate education, consultancy and research that we deliver.

Adoption and Fostering Alliance (AFA) Scotland

March 8, 2018

❤ I pledge to continue to keep the conversation going with my kids about their brother and sisters living elsewhere.

Derek Jones

Adoptive parent

March 8, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure that priority is given within my service to keeping siblings together, and to actively raise the profile of sibling relationships in my agency and the organisations I work with.

Vivien Thomson

Falkirk Council

March 8, 2018

❤ I will help decision-makers, practitioners and those who support alternative carers of children to appreciate the importance of separated brothers and sisters keeping in touch.

Gordon Main, Improving Care Experiences Consultant,


March 7, 2018

❤ The Permanence and Care Team commit to placing sibling placement and contact on the agenda in every PACE area, and look at data in relation to Siblings locally to develop improved outcomes based on good information.

Carol Wassell, Permanence Lead,


March 7, 2018

❤ I pledge to ensure that in my work the importance of brother & sister relationships is amplified as a key aspect of research evidence, assessment practice, decision making & lifelong wellbeing for children & young people in & on the edges of care.

Aileen Nicol, Head of Improving Protection & Permanence


March 7, 2018

❤ We pledge to help our clients maintain sibling relationships, and to make the law work better for siblings, especially those with care experience.

Clan Childlaw

March 6, 2018

❤ I will help children to see their brothers and sisters more (if separated) and/or ensure they stay together if possible by understanding the practical barriers that social workers and carers can face and creatively find solutions together.

Dr Louise Hill


March 5, 2018

❤ I pledge to engage with a wide variety of children, young people, families and other stakeholders, helping to build clear and ambitious messages for change on this crucial issue.

Paul Sullivan


March 5, 2018

❤ I pledge to make research evidence on getting it right for siblings accessible to all and to bring to the attention of decision-makers the data gaps that exist.

Dr Chris Jones

University of Strathclyde

March 1, 2018

❤ I pledge to contribute good practice resources to the Stand Up For Siblings website to support fellow practitioners’ efforts to improve practice.

Maureen Kinnell

Scottish Adoption

March 1, 2018

❤ We pledge to commit to increasing the number of sibling placements each year for the next five years and to publish progress on our website.

Scottish Adoption

Scottish Adoption

March 1, 2018

A Scotland wide partnership aimed at improving and changing legislation, policy and practice.

© 2025 Stand up for Siblings

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