Siblings: Staying Together and Connected: National Implementation Group Executive Summary Report

Siblings: Staying Together and Connected: National Implementation Group Executive Summary Report

Stand Up For Siblings has welcomed publication of a second key report ensuring the focus remains on brothers and sister. 

‘Siblings: Staying Together and Connected: National Implementation Group Executive Summary Report’ follows on from publication of The Promise Oversight Board’s Report Two last week. 

This report provides a summary of the recommendations made to Scottish Government to ensure the ongoing focus on brothers, sisters and those with sibling-like relationships continues to be at the forefront. 

Many members of Stand Up For Siblings have been involved in the implementation group. 

Kate Richardson who leads Stand Up For Siblings said: “Alongside myself, many of SUFS members have been active contributors to the Staying Together and Connected (STaC) National Implementation Group, led by the Scottish Government to support the implementation of the legislative changes introduced in 2020. 

“We welcome today’s report and we look forward to continuing to work with the Scottish Government and all key partners to on the journey to ensure brothers and sisters with care experience stay together and connected.”

Oversight Board report two highlights sibling separation

Oversight Board report two highlights sibling separation

Stand Up For Siblings has welcomed publication of The Promise Oversight Board’s Report Two. 

The report highlights the issue of brothers and sisters being separated. The report provides some examples of positive practice, but also highlights what needs to happen going forward. 

Actions going forward include: routine collection and reporting of relevant data, reliable provision of advocacy services, an agreement on foster care payments

and allowances and reliable implementation of good practice at scale. 

Turn to page 28 of the report to find out more.

STAR on the small screen!

STAR on the small screen!

Siblings Reunited (STAR) will feature on television on Thursday evening. The charity which reunites brothers and sisters separated in the care system, will be the focus of a 30 minute programme on STV’s Scotland Tonight show.

Following a film about the Fife-based charity, there will be a studio discussion. 

Stand Up For Siblings Chair, Kate said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the work of STAR which does such amazing work.”

The programme will be aired on Thursday 18th May at 8.30pm on STV.

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